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Using the Library: Borrowing

Attention!!! The borrowing procedures will be applicable, once the library system will be installed!


There are many resources available to you at the library including books, journals, DVDs, videos and CDs. Most can be borrowed, but some are only available to use within the library (reference only). You also have access to an extensive collection of e-books, e-journals and e-resources via Coventry Library. 

How to find an item on shelf

To find an item on shelf:

  1. Go to library catalog and sign in.

  2. Enter some keyword from the title and / or the author surname and start searching.

  3. The title has physical holding in the library when you see a location and shelf number e.g. "Available at CUK Library ()”

  4. Mark down the shelf number (e.g. ). Each book has the shelf number on a label on the spine of the item so that you can find where the item is on the shelf in the Library. 

There are signs on the end of each shelf to tell you what items are on that shelf. Items are arranged on the shelves in alphabetical and then numerical order to three letters after the number of the shelf number. 
If you can’t find the book you are searching for, please ask a librarian. 

Books about the same topic will usually be in the same area, please see where the books on each subject are located below:

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What I can borrow from the library

You can see the number of library items you can borrow in the table below. 

  Faculty and graduates Undergraduates and staff
Loans  20 items 10 items (not counting textbooks taken for the semester)

There is no charge to borrow items. 

Please also note that you are responsible for all items issued on your University ID card.

Type of resource Type of loan Length of loan period
Books Standard 2 weeks
Books Short loan 2 hours
Books Reference Cannot be borrowed – for use in library only


Borrow and Return


After locating the library item you need on shelf, you can take the item and borrow it via Circulation desk or using one of our self-service machines which is located in the library. 

  1. Scan your ID card by placing it in the slot below the screen.
  2. When your ID card logs you into the machine, select 'Borrow' and place books in the larger section when asked to do so. 
  3. The screen will indicate when the books have been added to your account by showing a due return date in green. Press 'finish' and you can choose to print a receipt if required. 

To check your account, renew books or return books simply scan your card on the card reader and click 'Account' and then select the relevant option. 

For any issues regarding your loans or any issues showing in your account, please refer to


You can return items to our library through librarian in Circulation desk or our self-service return machine.